Children's Ministry

Bromley Corps is in a fortunate position of having a dedicated and enthusiastic group of people who form the Children s Ministries Team. The team enables us to run a varied programme including: Junior Choir and Junior Band, CONNECT, Sunday School for 2yr-13yr olds, Junior Soldiers Class and Primary.
With such a dedicated group of children’s workers, the Church activities are flourishing. To see young people grow in their knowledge about Jesus is a reward nobody can better.
Janine Mitchell has overall responsibility for our Children s Ministry and works with the Children s Leadership Team to try and keep the activities attractive, relevant and fun for the children who attend.
So what does Children's Ministry look like at Bromley?
For starters, the Sunday worship time for children is split into several activities. Firstly, our Sunday School and is led by the Janine and her assistants.
It caters for youngsters between the age of 2 years and 13 years, meeting every Sunday, starting at 10.30am until 12.00 noon. In that time, the youngsters share in all-age worship including singing, fun and games, video, drama, Bible discussion and we always include news time.
Some of our children are ‘Junior Soldiers’ and have made a personal decision to accept Jesus in their life. They make a promise to read their Bible and pray regularly.
Not every child in Sunday School is a Junior Soldier. Becoming one is a personal choice for each person who attends. Whether they make that decision or not, all activities are open to both junior soldiers and non-junior soldiers.
For those with a musical interest, we have a Junior Band and a Junior Choir (Singing Company). Both meet weekly for rehearsals and regularly take part in the main Church services and also the children-led specific services.
For those who just want to have an evening of fun, we have:
CONNECT. This is open to all children from 7yrs - 12 yrs. It is run on a Friday night from 6pm – 7.30pm every fortnight. Josh Hunt is our leader, who together with a good group of volunteers, lead a varied programme include games, quizzes, DVD nights and craft based activities.
In addition to our regular Programme, we also have some annual events:
Children’s Christmas activities including a Carol Concert. This is a service lead by the young people but enjoyed by everyone.
Children’s Annual - a special meeting where the youngsters receive a token prize for their attendance in Sunday School.
Junior Soldier s Day of Renewal - a special service where youngsters are encouraged to renew their Promise.
Cradle Roll
Cradle Roll children are from new born to 5 years of age. As a child is born the Cradle Roll Sergeant approaches the parents with an invitation to be on the cradle roll. Each child then receives a certificate and contact is kept with the child, and family, through special events, for example, birthday, Christmas and Easter.
The Cradle Roll is an initial part of The Salvation Army s programme with the hope that the child will progress to Primary and Sunday School. The Cradle Roll Sergeant has the ideal opportunity to touch the lives of young children and their parents in not just Salvationist families, but also in the wider community, keeping contact with them and inviting them to all the corps activities with a hope that the child, and indeed the family as a whole, can come to have a personal faith in God.
There is also the opportunity for the parents to have their child dedicated in The Salvation Army, similar to a Christening ceremony. The Dedication ceremony is a beautiful, family occasion where we thank God for the miracle of a baby and the parents make promises to God to help them in the way they bring up their child.
The Cradle Roll Sergeant at Bromley is Barbara Little, married to Andy with two grown up children. Barbara enjoys the role of Cradle Roll Sergeant.
Martin O'Leary, 21/03/2019